

December Swag Bag: FEZmini

The FEZ mini runs .NET, can act as a USB host with minimal adaptation, and balances on the end of a finger. Tip of the small, brimless hat to Seeed Studio.

FEZmini balanced on fingertip

Keen-eyed readers will note that I did not post the November swag bag. But not for lack of booty! There was an embarrassment of riches. The Guitar Hero World Tour drum kit, salvaged from the street. The electric wheelchair, a Craigslist freebie. Not to mention the unbelievable haul of prizes from the Dangerous Prototypes 7400 competition. Every one of these items deserves its own post. So I will mention each of them in turn, once I use them in a project.

December is not shaping up too badly, either. One day in and I have bagged this little powerhouse which runs C# on an ARM7 USBizi100 chipset. Thanks Violet and everyone at Seeed Studio for a fabulous freebie.

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